You Must Go Through It!

The Dance of Victory

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself and remind yourself  that this too shall pass.
So, since I am writing again, I just wanted to share a letter I wrote to myself:

Dear Victorious One,
Yes, you,! You don't need to look around as if your present state of helplessness and hopelessness is going to last forever. Could I let you know that you are coming out of your lowly place and all the pain and tears you've shared have a purpose for God's greater glory at work in your life.

Yes, I hear your thoughts speak loudly to you just now, thoughts of doubts and fears that are sent to paralyze you from moving forward, but you can speak back to yourself and tell yourself, I am going to make it through this episode in my life! There is a moment when it will all be over and the screen will fade to black. The credits will roll up the screen to remind you that this episode has come to an end. There is an end coming to this period of your life...go through it and don't deny yourself the privilege of pain. Yes, there is a privilege of pain, your pain gives birthing to something glorious and new for as the pain subsides, healing takes place.

You will smile again, you will dance again, you will be free to love again and be free to embrace the new that God has worked in you.

You are the Victor at the end of it all!

Yours Sincerely,

Friends, I encourage you be strong and courageous  and wait on The Lord, yes wait! Don't anticipate God's next move, you can rest in His arms and Be Still...SELAH!

For the whole plan is for you to go through, don't park, don't mingle, don't nurse it, don't rehearse it, go through it, for there is the light at the end of the tunnel.

I want to share this poem written by a dear Pastor friend. I hope it blesses you as it did me.

Through My Tears

Standing is not always easy
Sometimes it requires pain
Sometimes heat seems to scorch
Sometimes you are beat by rain
Situations seem to overwhelm you
You feel afflicted without a cure
But if you listen to the One who loves you
Of this you can be sure

You will not cry forever my friend
You will waste not one tear
There is an eye upon all you do
There is a listening ear
The is a hand to rest on your shoulder
There are footsteps to guide
When your pillow is wet do no forget
In even your sleep He will abide

He will teach you the lessons for your day
He will not spare you the needed trial
He will give you what you need to succeed
Like He did because you are His child
Enemies may laugh and think you are out
Friends may love you but not lend a hand
Because of what you carry they will not tarry
Be nice ~ they just do not understand

Walk to the destiny and do not turn back
Trust the voice that speaks in your spirit
Remove the distractions and otherwise actions
To make sure that you can clearly hear it
Cry out loud and know it is okay
Birthing is often accompanied by pain
It is alright to cry ~ you will not die
Your tears are your refreshing rain

Rest now dear one you will soon be there
Rejoice and ready yourself to begin again
Enjoy the season that you were brought into
Partake of it well unto the very end
And while you do please save the seed
From the fruit of your blessed year
For they must be sown until others are grown
Like you through harvest tears and rain

Copyright 2013 Vernon D. Lloyd

Unveiled to be Transformed


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