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Red Polish

Here's the thing, I was never a fan of anything red, I just did not like the color. To me, the color was too bold, too daring, too over the top and too flirty, so I stayed away from anything red. Several years ago, I ventured into purchasing a red dress and subsequently, would
Dare to Go Red!
let it hang up in my closet.  One day, I dared to put it on and step out into the world. I felt unimpressive in the dress but the world told me otherwise. I had several compliments that day. However, I still was not sold on anything red.

Fast Forward to 2013, and I dared to get jiggy with it ( my son would roll his eyes at this one) and dared to go red, but this time with finger nail polish. Yes, I just cringed, I never ever painted my fingers and toes red...EVER! But since, I am stepping into my new, I said to myself, well, what does it matter to have my fingers and toes painted red. So, I did that, I brushed past my fear, my dislike of the color and my own inhibitions and dared to go where I have never gone before.

Well, I did it and I felt no different but I realized that I took a chance on trying something new. The color red, suited me after all. It is a color that is vibrant and fun and just wearing it made me feel that way.  Maybe it was just what I needed at this phase in my life...a changed outlook.

I think that is what life usually teaches us, that we could discover something different, exciting, explosive and wonderful, when we dare to open up ourselves to something new. Red polish was that new thing for me.

I know that it just seems weird that I would write on red polish as a topic but it isn't really about the polish. It  is really about finding myself, rediscovering the me that I am, and discovering new likes and loves.

One thing that remains constant is change. You don't have to be stuck being the same way, doing the same thing and acting the same way. You can dare to be different, especially for the upcoming year. Try something new, bold, daring and may discover that you would find something wonderful that you love.

Unveiled to be Transformed


  1. I agree with you Keisha...change is constant...and the world has so many different ideas, opportunities, challenges that we can positively embrace if we look at things with a totally different perspective...I'm ready to try on some RED lipstick. I've never tried it before, but I'm taking on your challenge to be daring, a good way : )

    1. Girl Nikki, you got to just do it! There is nothing wrong with being daring, you would actually find that you might just love it...Thanks for leaving a comment!


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