One of our youth this past Sunday at church shared a stunning poem on the state of the church and the effect of religion. He challenged us to Wake Up!  He said, we are called to be more than religion, more than tradition, more than Sunday goers and pew warmers, we are called to be Salt, Light and take authority...but oh, it seems how much we have lost our savor, flavor and boldness to be the church, the Ecclesia...the Called Out!

I see the church in many instances, folding up, stepping back, being silent on so many things in our country, when we are called to take charge and take the lead. Where are our voices that will extend beyond the four walls to the streets and homes of those who need to hear it the most? The broken homes, the abused homes, the homes of poverty and the homes of the sick? Yes, we need to wake up and get to moving and doing something in this season, because we are in a War!

If you don't know that we are in a fight for the soul of country, you are deeply in the dark. Several years ago, upon returning home, God showed me the Chinese, he shared with me that, as a people must be careful, where we put our allegiance and who we are yoked with. We debate the scripture in the church about love relationships of being unequally yoked but that the scripture transcends all relationships. Fast Forward to 2014,  the Chinese in our country is one of the dominant forces and key players to our sustainment (BahamaMar) etc. as a nation. We had placed our focus on the Haitians as illegals but we overlooked a whole nation that has come in to take our land.  We have allowed our politicians and government to pimp us a people and a country. We are now the "whore" of the Caribbean region. It sounds harsh but I hope we understand that we have to Wake Up!

In the last few years, God also showed me our economic decline, where our people would significantly lose the ability to sustain themselves. How many people are without jobs and means of supporting their families? Our unemployment figures are double-digits and still climbing. I tell you it is time to Wake Up!

Not only that, our people who were once strong, are more sicker. High numbers of HIV/AIDS cases and the rates are steadily increasing, especially among our youth. High numbers of breast cancer and other cancers that are taking our women out. When have you heard a man outliving his wife, it seems that this cancer is taking aim at the women, leaving husbands widowers, and young children orphans...I emphatically say, It's Time to Wake Up!

People, never like to hear the talk of Judgment, but great sin ushers in great judgment especially on a nation. Our nation has sinned against God greatly and God often allows a people to experience moments of great trials and great pain. We are there, Bahamas!

We cannot ignore the signs, clearly we need to REPENT! We need to seek God's face for a solution!

I am tired of being a slave in my own country, when God has called me to be the Head. I am tired of these ungodly nations taking territory in the land of my father and father's father. I am tired of lack and poverty, when he promised to bless me, increase me and prosper  me in all things. Oh, and I am sick and died of hearing people and God's people dying of cancer and other diseases. I am so angry with the devil that if I saw him I would punch him literally in the face and stomp on his head. He shall not have our city, our nation, our children, our husbands, our wives, our mothers and our fathers....

It's Time to Wake Up!

Repent, pray without ceasing, let us change from our ways and customs and let us do what we can to take our nation back.

There must be an army rising up in this season, a remnant of God's true church, who are called, sanctified and set apart to be on the front line for God. Those of us, who know that we are called must Go and Take Territory and don't let up until that devil is under our feet!

It's Time to Wake Up!

Unveiled to be Transformed


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