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Taking Flight

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Broken Wings: From Hurt to Hope
It's already December 2016 and I made it to the last month of the year and it feels darn good! Upon being grateful that I made it to this point in the year, I also have some wonderful news to share with you. I recently published my first book which so happens to be connected to my blog.

You see, I started writing during a period of my life, where I was overcome with darkness, as I was going through a period of heartbreak and depression. This blog was therapeutic for me, it helped me write through my pain and thus one day, I sat still long enough to pen words that eventually became my first book, "Broken Wings: From Hurt to Hope. 

My book chronicles my experience where I battled depression and tells my very own personal story of how I navigated through one of the most painful times in my life. It is as about as real as you can get.

I hope that my book, just as I hope my blog is an encouragement to someone that needs to know that we at one point in time have dark moments in life but we don't have to stay in the dark, but we can walk towards the light. 

There are good days and bad and sometimes all we need is a little push from those who love us and kind words from rare strangers and strength from individuals who know what it means to endure and conquer.

It's not easy being real and being true to yourself. The book is a testament of where I was to where I am now and how I fought through darkness, hurt and pain to be where I am today. It gives an account of how I was able to overcome through inner strength and a strong faith. I am happy to say I survived and I am a conqueror

I hope you would get the book, take time to read it, share with those who may need an ounce of hope and faith to move them further along. Trust me it is a survivor's tale...

Happy December!

ABOUT THE BOOK:"Broken Wings: From Hurt to Hope". Have you ever experienced brokenness, or perhaps you've encountered deep hurt, and battled with your self worth? This book will speak to the core of a broken spirit. From Hurt to Hope.
Available NOW !CreateSpace and Amazon

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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