Preparing for a Greater Level (The Threshing Floor)

The Threshing Floor-The Place of Preparation 

Some time last year, I had an urge within me to push past my usual form of worship. It almost seemed, I had reached a plateau in my spiritual walk and in my worship that I was stuck in limbo. I could not go backwards and I could not advance. There was one thing I knew for sure, I wanted more!

After our church's Fall Revival in 2013, I was challenged in my spirit to go higher and go after the "new thing" God released in the House. The word declared, was for us to prepare for a greater level in Worship and ministry and I held onto that word in my heart. It was a constant prayer of mine, to go to another level in my ministry as a Worship Leader, and I was desperate for more...

So, near the remaining months of 2013, God birthed something in my spirit, I heard the words Threshing Floor, and I immediately began to research what it was and why it was significant. What did the Threshing Floor have to do with me and moreover worship?

I understood that it was a response to my prayer for more. The Threshing Floor Worship Experience was created as a means for the Body of Christ to tap into the Presence of God! It is a place of preparation, separating the grain from the chaff, moving those undesirable things and revealing fresh grain for harvest. There is a new thing revealed after a Threshing Floor Encounter. What does that mean?

In this season, God is preparing His people for a greater experience in Him, for a greater glory. Our nation is in transition and in crisis and our people need to return to God the best way they know how...
Come, now is the time to Worship! Come and Return to God and allow him to do a work in us. We got to come to a place of threshing, let God move out those things that are not needed and let him pour into us what it's is needed. Come and lay prostrate before a Holy God and allow His Spirit to fill us and renew us. Honestly, we need more of God, more of His Presence and I know that God honors those who seek after him. Jeremiah 29:12-14 says,

"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lordand I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile." ESV.

But what is even more significant of the Threshing Floor is that this Threshing Floor Experience has a cost. True Worship is a Sacrifice! As we come before the Lord, we are required to present a gift as a part of our worship. Our worship  must costs us something. In 1 Chronicles 21:21-24, David sought to sacrifice to the Lord on the Threshing Floor of Ornan, however because he was King, Ornan offered David everything he needed for the sacrifice. David was persisted that he would not take anything from Ornan as a gift because this sacrifice that he gives to God must require something...He summed it up by saying this, " I would not give anything to the Lord, that would cost me nothing."

Friends, there is one thing that I hope to come out from this Threshing Floor Worship Experience and that is the people of God will gather together and worship the Lord. For one night forget about the dismal news on the media, forget about personal issues and problems, just come and lay down on the Threshing Floor and Worship.  I've made up my mind to give God the best of what I've  got and I realized  that this best is going to cost me, for just as David proclaimed, I reiterate those simple words, " I would not give anything to the Lord, that would not cost me nothing."

Come and join us at the Threshing Floor Worship Experience on Friday, 24th January, 2014.
I hope to see all of my friends who are here in the Bahamas in the House that night!
Join us on Friday, 24th January, 2014 @ 7:30 pm
Mount Nebo Union Baptist Church
Marshall Rd. South Beach
Nassau, Bahamas

Forever Worship!

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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