To Long For...

O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land-
Where there is no water.
-Psalm 63:1
What a privilege we have to wake up to see a brand new day? We often take our new days for granted because they are routined for us. We rise, we go about our scores of daily tasks and go to bed and rise again to do it all over the next day.
How much of our day is spend in the Presence of the One who caused the sun to rise and glory over us or the moon to shine its light to light our nights? We get up to do our own conglomerate of important things. We get out our planners and and have conversations with ourselves, on what we will do today? But we just missed a moment of seeking God in the very stillness of the day. As soon as we rise, we are bombarded with raising our family, preparing and shuffling them off to school, cooking, cleaning and all the other household stuff  that we as human beings, mothers and heads of households have to take care of and maintain. However, one key relationship is more important above all and that is maintaining our relationship with our Creator.
The psalmist said,  God you are my God, early will I seek you. This signified a personal, intimate relationship. I seek after the one thing or the one that I desire first! But the Psalmist also admits that he longs after his God, which tells me that this is not just a one time attempt but an every day occurrence.  To long for is to desire or pine for something or someone. I cannot say how much longing he did, but it is clear to me that the writer was definitely involved in seeking and securing this relationship.
Can I dare ask you, when was the last time you longed for those special moments with God? When was the last time you sought your  own special times with Him? I am sure, just like me we had in our planners that we would get up at 5 am or schedule and sync our gadgets to notify us of key prayer moments but then life happens and we miss the greatest opportunity of a lifetime and that is being in the Presence of God!
The thirst described in Psalm 63, tells me that this time is essential, it is necessary for one's survival. Ah, my flesh longs for you and my soul thirsts for you, in a dry and thirsty land. There is nothing good about having no water, which is the very means to,life. Your body cannot survive without the source of water and we cannot survive without the Presence of God!
So, let us consider our options, shall we?
To thirst or not to thirst? A relationship could only last when there is nourishing of it. As a plant can only thrive and grow through sunlight, water and care. We acknowledge that without an intimate relationship we are doomed.
May, I encourage you my readers to make it a point to carve out your time with God. Joyce Meyer always says that the earlier is better! The times when we rise and all is quiet and still, we can have our moments with him, as he speaks to us and we speak to him! 
Nothing or no one beats the Presence of God, he is hands down the best thing to waking up to a good cup of coffee!
Unveiled to be Transformed


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