Lessons learned in 2013

My girlfriend asked me recently to write down what I learned in my past relationship. I guess this would be great therapy for  me, in knowing that despite all that I went through was not all bad.
I discovered several things about myself as a woman. I discovered that innate in all of us we have a source of strength that becomes untapped when we need it the most.

What I learned this year:

1. I learned to trust my gut. We are given instincts for a reason or we possess a sense of discernment, which is usually a feeling that let's us know something is going on or is not right.

2.  I learned that I could forgive. The most disgusting person, the one that broke my heart, lied to me and caused me deep pain, I could actually forgive and move on.

3. I learned that I am not superhuman. I am not everything to everybody. I have my breaking points and I learned to know my place, I cannot do, be and give everything.

4.  I learned to love. I loved without conditions, I loved purely based on the premise of love. I did not hold back, I did not pretend, I loved completely. I learned to love myself first before. I can love anyone else. Even when they don't love you back like you ought...you love. You can't force someone to love you...

5.  I learned to grow. Maybe, I did not have an actual hand in this one but because of all that I went through and experienced...growth was inevitable.

6.  I learned to let go. Say goodbye to all those things or persons that no longer served me purpose.

7. I learned to live again and laugh again. Discovering and rediscovering what makes me happy and what brings me great joy.

So, many more things that I have learned and will learn in the new year of 2014. I will face my fears and conquer them all.

I am so looking forward to starting fresh and stepping into new unchartered territory, it could,only get better from here!

So, I say Welcome to 2014 and Welcome Back Lady, looking forward to great things coming to you!


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