
Showing posts from 2016

Taking Flight

Latest Release Broken Wings: From Hurt to Hope It' s already December 2016 and I made it to the last month of the year and it feels darn good!  Upon being grateful that I made it to this point in the year, I also have some wonderful news to share with you. I recently published my first book which so happens to be connected to my blog. You see, I started writing during a period of my life, where I was overcome with darkness, as I was going through a period of heartbreak and depression. This blog was therapeutic for me, it helped me write through my pain and thus one day, I sat still long enough to pen words that eventually became my first book, "Broken Wings: From Hurt to Hope.  My book chronicles my experience where I battled depression and tells my very own personal story of how I navigated through one of the most painful times in my life. It is as about as real as you can get. I hope that my book, just as I hope my blog is an encouragement to someone that needs to ...

The Big's all about Risks!!!

ALL NATURAL...ME!!! October was a month that propelled me into something different...I did it! I did the Big Chop! Anybody who knows me know I may be a little bit of a prima donna or a better choice of word that my friends would describe me as...DIVA! I usually love changing up my hairstyles from braids, chic cuts, weaves and having a blast with colour. My deep propensity for change is where a lot of my problems began..I'm the one that loves to try something new and often seek adventures. Recently, I had  this notion after the passing of Hurricane Matthew to do something different with my life, so I ended up chopping off my hair. Truth is, I had done enough damage through chemical processing, over bleaching my tresses that my hair had almost given up on life. I finally decided after much thought and reservations to step out on a limb and risk it. What was I risking anyway? I was taking a risk by stepping into the unknown and doing something that I never did before, emb...

Paper Planes with Words that Fly

PAPER PLANES IN FLIGHT...READY, SET, GO! Well, I know you are probably wondering about the title of my post, but I could not come up with a better one to share with you. It was the best I could have come up with at the time. Words do fly, and let me prove it to you... The last few weeks I was in a training workshop and one of the activities I chose to do with my participants is to let them make paper planes. You know the ones we use to create when we were kids. Now, it is pretty funny and nearly impossible to convince and lead a group of grown adults in the making of a little paper plane but my class went along with me on the adventure. We folded our papers and made our wings, some more perfectly than others but they managed to get through the exercise. The next step was to write their names on one side of a wing and something positive about themselves, using adjectives that were affirming not negative. They were also told to write on the other wing a generic inspirational, ...

What I Learned About Family?

WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT THE FAMILY?  Last week my maternal side of my family had a Family Reunion. We connected after some time as the need grew, for bringing the many groups of the family together.  It was an exciting time as some of our family from different parts of the world descended upon our Island of New Providence here in the Bahamas. I reckon that it would be a time of getting to know new people and sharing, but it was so much more than just meeting one another. The experience of the moment we shared in our Reunion last week allowed me to reflect on the family. We span several countries, the USA, Cuba and the Bahamas, our roots are very deep in these places. I learned that we are interconnected, interracial and interdependent. We are a large group that are located in many places and that is why there is a need to reconnect every now and then. The last time we met, some people have passed on and gone home and then there is the new generation that is emerging that ne...

Attitude Check

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING… SO CHOOSE A GOOD ONE! Okay Folks… First off, springtime is here and March has been one of those glorious months for me. Trust me, coming off the tail end of a difficult period. God has been blessing me and favoring me and I am just grateful. Today, I want to talk about attitude and how we have to be careful of the attitudes we display. I know everyone has moods, some good and bad and sometimes our bad moods hit us at inopportune times but we can do something about those moods right? Well, I learned today that I have to be deliberate to keep my moods in check and have the right attitude despite how I am feeling. A friend from out of town asked me to do a huge favor and commit to picking them up early from the airport taking him in town to drop off something and then returning him to the airport. Now all of this I agreed to do on a Monday morning… Well, nothing went right this morning, I got up a little late and rushed out; was caught in a deadlock o...

The Urge to Escape

SOMETIMES YOU GET THE URGE TO ESCAPE… My thoughts have been haunting me as of late… I have never had such an extreme desire to leave and start afresh somewhere far from the home. Yes, the home I grew up in and absolutely love and adore…the Bahamas. I would always say to people, I love the Bahamas but the Bahamas does not love me. I am so overwhelmed with the many problems we face in our country, by the lack of better governance, the lack of pride, the arrogance of elitist individuals that only care about themselves and those close to them. I often ask about human decency and having more of us willing to empower others to be better. Our nation is in shambles it seems, in every area, education, governance, religious and we are just drifting closer to being a nation on the edge of the cliff, awaiting total annihilation and self destruction. My heart hurts to see my country this way. I came home from school eager to make a difference to serve and serve I did. However...

What's Next?

Sometimes, we just need to  Let Go & Let God Have you ever had those moments that you find yourself merely wondering of where you should go from here? Recently, my mind has been wandering, rather frequently on what is next for me? Truth is…I have some ideas of what I want for my life but I have had some setbacks recently and I find myself thinking about how do I get from this state to the next. I have written goals, worked towards some of them and failed miserably at others. So, I begin to wonder, if my life is at a stage of cyclical repeats.  It is as I have drawn into a vortex that is puling me deeper into the status quo of oblivion…which is accepting what, where and who you are, do as everyone else does and simply adjust and adapt to life disappointments by the old adage "grin and bare it." For many of us, we would accept the status quo, we won't venture out into the unknown, we won't kick against the pricks and we most certainly would not venture out of ...

Willest and Illest & Worship

Hey Readers, God Is looking for those who will not be afraid to seek Him. I had this piece to write some time back, after going to a concert at local restaurant here in the Bahamas. It was a Friday night and I wanted to go out, unfortunately being single with limited friends, I did not have a choice of company, so I ventured out solo. I happened to get a seat at the Bar to get a quick bite to eat, however, to my surprise they were preparing for a concert. The band appearing was Willest and Illest, a local Reggae Band and they same to be quite popular as the restaurant began to get filled quickly. This was the first time, I would have heard of them as well as see them perform. As I ordered a bite to eat, I made up my mind to take in the show since I was already there. Let me tell you, the place was packed to capacity, I guess the Bahamas knew something I did not know… in that this band was amazing, and was such a refreshing talent. The show was worth being utterly squeezed in at...