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The Big's all about Risks!!!


October was a month that propelled me into something different...I did it!
I did the Big Chop!
Anybody who knows me know I may be a little bit of a prima donna or a better choice of word that my friends would describe me as...DIVA!

I usually love changing up my hairstyles from braids, chic cuts, weaves and having a blast with colour. My deep propensity for change is where a lot of my problems began..I'm the one that loves to try something new and often seek adventures.

Recently, I had  this notion after the passing of Hurricane Matthew to do something different with my life, so I ended up chopping off my hair. Truth is, I had done enough damage through chemical processing, over bleaching my tresses that my hair had almost given up on life. I finally decided after much thought and reservations to step out on a limb and risk it.

What was I risking anyway? I was taking a risk by stepping into the unknown and doing something that I never did before, embracing my full self. Like many would say "going natural."

Let me tell you, I was afraid of starting over again, and being uncomfortable. As for many their hair is their comfort zone and with the idea of straighter is better, much more beautiful and appealing, those arguments in support of the straight, sleeker look, would cause many people to deny their true self and not embrace who they really are.

Perhaps, it was years of indoctrination, commercialization, and discrimination which had many persons of color like myself not accept the fact that they could don their own natural crown.

So I commenced the "Big Chop" I did it afraid...fearing that this would be one of the worst decisions of my life. I sought counsel and support from a veteran naturalista...thanks Drea!

But then it happened, my risk paid off. I felt free from the salon and the fact that I had to budget for my relaxed hairstyle, weaves and braids.

It was a liberating feeling and although I thought I was not going to be fully embraced, surprisingly I was by so many, strangers, family and friends alike...they liked me, just the way I am.

So if you are thinking of taking risks and unveiling your natural self, don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and making moves towards doing something different with your life.

My different might have been my hair, but yours could be going after that dream you had deferred for a while, Dust off those plans and begin to move forward and don't be afraid to risk it all. The world awaits risk takers and it will pay off in the end...

I am smiling ever so sweetly now...Natural Hair and all!!!
Embracing myself...just the way I Am!

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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