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What I Learned About Family?

Last week my maternal side of my family had a Family Reunion. We connected after some time as the need grew, for bringing the many groups of the family together.  It was an exciting time as some of our family from different parts of the world descended upon our Island of New Providence here in the Bahamas. I reckon that it would be a time of getting to know new people and sharing, but it was so much more than just meeting one another. The experience of the moment we shared in our Reunion last week allowed me to reflect on the family.

We span several countries, the USA, Cuba and the Bahamas, our roots are very deep in these places. I learned that we are interconnected, interracial and interdependent. We are a large group that are located in many places and that is why there is a need to reconnect every now and then. The last time we met, some people have passed on and gone home and then there is the new generation that is emerging that needs to know the lessons of family, home, history of who we are and where we came from.

I love the time where we can get the elders in the family to share of what they know about our ancestors, what is important about our name and who we are and how we ought to reach out to one another. Sometimes, I feel like a sponge soaking it all in because I am grateful to know that God has truly blessed our family in many ways.

Over the last several days, I learned that more than ever...Family Matters!

We came together and we shared, we opened our homes and houses, we opened our kitchens and our wallets to those who may have not as much as had. We opened our hearts to be generous regardless of our stations in life. We did not compete with one another, or show boat or point out who was better than the next. We enjoyed the moment, where brothers and sisters children could come together and love, share and support each other.

God ordained the family as a unit that would be in support of each other, no matter what stations they are in life. No matter whether one is a CEO, or a janitor. God's love and grace does not favour one above the other. He desires the family to operate in that same manner not divisive or in competition or feeling one sect is better than the next.

Oftentimes, we see that in many family institutions, it is heartbreaking to know that you would train generations to be segregated and disconnected because of social status and upbringing when we all come from the same...

My reflection this week, allowed me to be introspective about my own family and how we ought to live as we move forward. We have to strengthen the ties that bind us.   I discovered these words by Jennifer Jernigan about family,"Families are intended to be unified, kind, loving, godly, helpful, selfless, and a witness and reflect of God." These words are truly what I believe that the family institution is called to be.

I have seen so much of the disunity, unkindness, ungodly and selfish acts portrayed in so many families and I dare to say even those who appear to be apart of the church, those who have a birds-eye view of God's commandments and his teachings. Yet, from my experience the ones who boast about the Lord, rarely walk in his ways and to those who do not openly promote their allegiance or name their faith in him,  their lives proved that they walk and follow in God's teachings.

God wants the family to be unified again, not separate and a part and discriminated because of what one does or do not have...this is a sad reality and why the family unit is slowly disintegrating.

What I learned most about family through last week activities is that no matter what...we must be intentional about keeping the sprit of the family alive.  With the immersion of various technologies and media, we can be connected. No need to not speak to your brother or sister, no need to not  be concerned about their well being and no need not to support where and if you can.

No man is an Island, as we all need someone...some time and yes that requires your time, talent and treasure. It requires your willingness to be open and sacrifice. You can't see a brother or sister hurting and not respond to their needs to the best in which you can. It is true now, as it has been in the past...We are our Brother's Keeper!

Finally, I realized this about family...a family is so much stronger together, rather than separate and a part.  We can conquer challenges with more than with few. We can solve a problem with more than a few. We can make a difference in the world with more than a few...

Let's Stay Connected!

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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