The Valley Experience (Sooner Than Later it's Gonna Work Out)!

God gave me a word last week about Valley Experiences, I had to come to the understanding that there are periods in life that we would encounter ups and downs. There are seasons in life where we will experience the Mountaintop experiences and in direct opposite to those times, we will go through  valley experiences. I know that those moments are some of the most painful but I also know that everything has a time limit and an expiration date.

I pray everyday asking God, in my most annoying child voice, Are we done yet? But I get no response it seems. I cry out wanting my life to be turned right side up again, where everything is well with me and well with the world. Ah, but I am still going through this process...Travelling a path to God knows where. I don't get a preview of my life story or the flight plan for my life. So, I am left to operate in faith and trust blindly.

The path though the valley is filled with twists and turns and the path seems neverending but I must go through it.

To go through requires patience, it requires you to trust God's timing and not your own. It's really a matter of surrendering your plans and your way over to Him! To go through is to move forward and function as required. I am sure I am good at mastering the art of pretense, smiling when I'm hurting and broken inside; showing face around others when I'm lonely and feel isolated from the world. I go through limping but still making my away along the path, pushing ahead to the end.

The Valley is not easy but it is the thing that builds character and great men. I imagine Nelson Mandela suffering in prison for fighting against apartheid, I am sure he resolved that life in prison was to be his end...but God had a different ending to his story. He spent twenty-seven years in prison...that's a long time to be in a valley. However, his valley experience came to an end. And it will also be the same for us. Our valley moments have an expiration date. There is a time and a season for everything under the Heaven, a time where we are up on the mountain, relishing in our success and a time where we are deep down in the valley.

I just wanted to encourage my readers that your expiration date is coming, I cannot say when, but God knows. Let me let you know what God said to me the other day. He told me not to watch nothing, don't watch my circumstances, don't be overly concerned about my present state or circumstances but rather stay on course and go through my process...sooner than later, my end will come right around a turn...It's Gonna Work Out!

Unveiled to Be Transformed!



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