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Don't Settle...Walk Away!

I don't know why I stayed...
Maybe, I thought that I had to learn how to stay because usually I am the first to walk away
without reasons.
I don't know why I put up for all those years with evasiveness, excuses, and the ability to deflect a point-on question, although, I was wise enough to know at the time, something just was not right.
However, I stayed, telling myself, I needed to give more, give the benefit of the doubt, nobody's perfect
and yet it is true that nobody's perfect including me...but I deserved more and I deserved better.

Yes, I felt the vibes, the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and even the warning signs as they came intermittently, but I wanted to fight for what I believe was love...

I am smiling now because I agree with the person that wrote that saying, " Love is blind."

It's a wonder many people say, "You cannot teach an old dog, new tricks", and you cannot change an individual from being who they are.  My grandmother always used to say to me, if you lay down with dogs you catch fleas, she would also often say, be around a person long enough and their true self will show up. All great sayings told to me from earlier in  life and yet all ignored, for the sake of...

I learnt the hard way!

Although, you may want to believe the best in people truth be told, you have already been served with the facts. They don't deserve you! You are so much better than aligning yourself with a woman or a man that would cheat on you, disrespect you and put your life in jeopardy.

Stop making excuses for the person, well, that is just them, yes, that is just them and it should tell you that they are not capable of loving you and treating you the way that you deserve. Move On...Walk Away!

Breakups are never easy but anyone that has ever experienced one, would always say that they felt during the time of the relationship, that something was wrong and they ignored the signs. I can be honest that I did in my last relationship, I gave so much rope, I could have choked myself.

Rewind 6 years previously, it would have never happened, you just blinked at me wrong and I was gone.

Truth be told, maybe I was tired of running a game and I was just ready to settle down and settled I did.

I settled for someone that was unsure of himself, insecure and did not know his place. I settled for someone who had no idea of what it meant to lead and be a man, he only knew how to play the role of a male. The males only think about self and self alone. I settled for lies and deceit, when I knew that dude, just played me just like that!  I settled for less than the best God had for me.

I stayed when I should have walked way
I stayed when I wanted to run as far as my feet could have carried me
I stayed because I fell in love with someone who did not love me back or understood the meaning of love...

So, now that I am older and wiser, I feel the need to share my life through my words, because maybe someone could learn from my mistakes.  Don't ever settle!

Give yourself permission to walk away from anything or anyone that does not serve a real purpose in your life. Walk away as soon as you heard the first lie, because it could only be followed up with another lie and then another. Walk away when you get that deep sinking feeling that something is not right, don't ask no questions, just release yourself from a bad situation and a bad person.

Don't waste any more time in life settling, time is too precious to waste!

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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