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Don't Miss A Moment!

Real Ministry Opportunities are waiting on YOU!
Sometimes, we miss moments in services and our ministry meetings to do the very act of ministry.  Last night at Women's Ministry, I spoke about the need for ministry, less agendas and programs, foregoing at times all the formal stuff and allowing for real ministry. We have to meet people where they are at and take them where God wants them to be.  I recently learned that, this is a new definition of ministry, simply, meeting the people in the place of their need and taking them to where God will direct us to take them.

I shared in my address, how we have perfected church; we give the right hand of fellowship, the nice smiles, waves and the good Christian hugs. We also spend a moment to say how are you, but never wait for a response. We miss moments of ministry because we fail to discern moments when someone may need a word, prayer or an act of kindness. We have people coming to church going through the motion and have women's ministry in motion. For too long, we have only gatherings but no meaningful ministry moments. And forgive me, for I don't want to sound critical or judgemental but to really expose us to look at dealing with real issues. Many of our women are going through real issues that are only covered or dealt with from the surface. Ministry alone is not confined to the four walls of the church, it extends beyond our church services and meeting times.

I believe God wants us to put down our agendas in this season and get our hands dirty in doing real ministry work, so that another wounded soldier would not be left empty, feeling hopeless and helpless and or die! 

At the end of my talk, I encouraged the sisters to reach out to another sister, stay a moment, introduce them self along with sharing an encouraging word with them as The Lord laid on their heart. I also mentioned someone might need to connect with a sister, get their contacts and  maybe build a new relationship. As the sisters reached out, an older lady came to me and said that what I said really touched her and that she goes to church Sunday after Sunday and have been carrying so much and she doesn't feel that she can tell anybody. I saw tears ran down this woman eyes as she spoke to me. At that brief moment, I spoke life giving words into her, words that would give her hope and encouragement to know that she was not alone. You see, one thing I understand about God, is that he wants to take care of our issues for us, inasmuch he would be compelled to stop on his journey to another place to meet us where we are at, as he did for that woman thousands of years ago that suffered with an issue of blood.

Are we compelled to stop our lives for the sake of ministry of someone? Are we compelled to walk with someone through a rough season of their lives? Are we willing to spend time encouraging them in the Word and connecting with them in prayer? Are we compelled to give of our money, time and resources?  Our greatest example of real ministry defined and carried out,  is Jesus Christ, our Saviour; who compels us to love, to serve, to give and to be living epistles of God's grace and love to others.

Well, then, as the dear sister that came to me after the meeting talked and shared with me concerning her issue, she confessed that she feels like there is no-one she can trust. However, I simply admonished her that she does not have to carry that burden and deal with that issue alone, that God himself, sees her, right where she is. To make a long story short, she and I exchanged numbers as to connect well after we would have said the prayer, fellowshipped, ate the repast and move on. 

I truly believe that God will bring seasons in our lives to see whether we can prove ourself in service to Him, just like that.

So, let me encourage my friends, especially my sisters, to go a little deeper into meeting people where they are at and helping them along through our words, our deed and acts of kindness. The world still needs us to be the Light in a dark world. So, friends walk in the Light and let us make a difference in the Kingdom of God. Don't  take for granted a single moment in your life where you would cross paths with a stranger or have what we would call weird moments of interaction with someone, don't miss your moment for real ministry, as many people are depending on you, more than you would ever know!

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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