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The Struggle Is Real

The vicissitudes of life may sometimes come with challenges or insurmountable tasks that we have to  face and endure from time to time. Everyone of us has had to deal with some major struggle in our lives, whether personal, family, or workplace. The struggles in life are real and it is part of our journey into our becoming who and what we need to be.

I often quote, "don't watch nuttin" in my Bahamian vernacular. Why? I realize everything is not what it seem in my or many other person's lives.

I am  currently single and I  often look at someone who is married and I think to myself, I want this for me. I want what they have because it looks picture perfect. However, in reality you may have a marriage that is being held on by a thread. You may have two individuals who are like two ships passing through the night and what they give to the world is only an illusion.Yet, I look into their world and I want what they have...I desire their struggle.....Considering, that nothing in this world is perfect, no human kind is perfect, no job or career is perfect and no relationship is perfect. I crave the former, I want to live in their world.

The struggle is real ...

As a growing christian, I come to realize how much we have made Christianity perfect...all of us who are barely sinners saved by the grace of our Saviour Jesus Christ...the only one who can  claim perfection living in a imperfect world. Yet, for many of us Christians we are living a life, where we pretend that we are the most Holy of the Holiest, but truth is God is still cleaning many of us up.  Although His blood saved us, there are so many of us who need to get delivered from out of strongholds of sin and that is oftentimes continuous work.

There are some things I wish to get rid off in my life, but it has been a struggle. Therefore in being transparent, I am a Christian but yet I got issues that I need to overcome and I am trying to change day by day...but there is work involved and then there is that place of surrender to God that I should go to and let Him do the work.

However, we have to realize that our struggles are for building us up and making us better. God wants us to be free and made whole but it is not without a process.  And the truth of the matter is, sometimes the struggles are there to keep us close to God. If we were without a struggle, a weakness or a fight. would we run to him and or draw near to Him? Some of us need the struggle to stay on our knees and face before God.

I  consider  Apostle Paul's example, when he shared about his thorn in his flesh. Yes, a weakness or  something he was daily struggling with in his life, which was a problem for him. We don't know what the thorn was, but Paul confessed that he prayed for its' removal and the answer came back to him...."My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.

The struggle remained with Paul as God wanted him to know and for us to know that we can trust in the sufficiency of Christ.

I think that many of our struggles we would want to be moved out of life would draw us away from God's Presence. If we happened to have everything under control, there would be no need to rely on God for his strength.

 However, it is good to know that we all have a struggle that makes us yearn to want to overcome and change for the better. In our struggles, we can decide that we can let God handle our issues and rest in Him and trust His answer, whether he relieves us of our struggles or gives us grace to endure them.

No matter what our struggles are...we serve a Real Big God...who is Enough! For when we are weak, He is Strong!

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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