Hard Reset-Resetting Your Life

It has been awhile since I have written a blog entry. Why now?
Well, for me, I had to go through processing my feelings and attitudes which helps me to discover what direction I should take.

Writing this blog has always helped  me unpack my thoughts and sift through the meaningful and the meaningless of my life. It is my therapy in short...as I need to release an unleash my present issues.

In about two weeks, I will be celebrating another birthday and as usual, I always spend time doing a little heart searching and in deep introspection. This birthday is no different from any other. I am intentional on unpacking and uncovering the issues that I am currently facing. One of my major issues is how do I see myself and what do others see in me.

Recently, I have been garnering feedback wanted and unwanted by those around me, close family,  friends and random strangers,  in which I have had meaningful encounters and dialogue with at opportune times. In all these encounters, I have discovered that there is some work to be done.  I gave myself a life motto years ago and it is this,"everyday make an effort to become a better version of you."

I want to be a better person, this is my life goal. I want to be someone that listens to understand, become a better communicator, to be better in my finances and be a better friend and more relatable and caring in my relationships. These are just a few of my life goals.

I have since realize that change is never easy. I have been comfortable for a long time with what makes Keisha, who she is....and it finally hit me, that what I think  is classic Keisha, I may have to get rid off...

Yes, my attitudes. perception and reactions that I have hold near and dear for all these years eventually will have to change.

Taking stock of my life, I see that there are things that I thought made me who I am in which I celebrated but it is what I have to now deal with and destroy...if I am going to evolve into my true better self.

Perhaps, along the way, I was thinking it was right to accept my strong demeanor or tone or  did not understand that people read my attitude  as arrogance and not confidence. This for me was a hard pill to swallow but yet I am unpacking the good, the bad and the ugly of my life as I endeavor to rebuild and rebrand me...all for God's Glory!

So, I am back at one, I decided to do a hard reset. If you don;t know what it means, let me educate you for a moment.

hard reset, also known as a factory reset or master reset, is the restoration of a device to the state it was in when it left the factory. All settings, applications and data added by the user are removed. (Definition retrieved from What is.com)

So, I have chosen to begin again with a blank slate. I need to rid myself and my life of the old content. So, I am learning again, making myself available to be poured into, taught, and developed.

My life needs to take on a new direction, as the old life went off course...and now as my birthday draws near, I realize the greatest gift I can give myself is to freedom to be  me, the best version of me with God's stamp of approval not my own.

So, my life is beginning again, resetting and starting over...I am willingly placing myself on the Potter's Wheel to be crushed, molded, stretched and made over.

I can't wait to see what the end result will be...but I am so ready for change...



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