Break-Out (Take the Limits Off!)

I stayed too long in that place that I succumbed to paralysis and my own fears
I became so caught up in the mundane of being good at that one thing and doing the same thing
that was easy for me. However, that one thing is the very thing that is killing me softly.
You heard the saying, "Your gifts should make room for you," they do, but only if they are not hindered by barriers and the proverbial box that keeps your ideas, dreams and hopes trapped.

I have been in a place in my life, professional and otherwise where I felt trapped.
Actually, for sometime now, I feel like I am just going through the motion but not making any meaningful progress. I want to see growth, because growth is a part of life
I want to spread my wings and fly and be more creative
I want to jump out of the box, break through the barriers that I have set and away from what I have allowed others to hold me as a prisoner.

I have read many stories and testimonies where people moved out by faith.
I feel as my faith is challenging me to go higher and go deeper.
I don't know which path I would take but my spirit is calling me to move...
I titled this entry as Break-Out!

Someone needs to know that you have been held as a prisoner long enough.
You have dreams
You have talents and abilities
You are gifted as many others
All you need is to jumpstart your faith.

Don't let the world hold you back
Don't let a sure job or a salary, keep you from dreaming
Don't let the barriers, keep you unlocked from your world
Break Out from those limits!

Break-Out from all those things we tell ourselves that we cannot do and cannot accomplish
Break-Out from those time restrictions in which we have imposed, such as by this date, I should be married and if not then life is over as we know it.
Break-Out from rejection, despite not being chosen for the promotion or career choice,
or not being the one that oversees and leads the project.

Sometimes, we have to realize that maybe we don't fit in at that place and that our rejection by others would ultimately catapult us right into the place we need to be...the place God has destined for us.

Sometimes we often forget that we DECIDE where we want to be, but on the road that was filled with twists and turns and disappointments, we lost our momentum or like Austin Powers, would say our "MOJO!"

Friends, Break-Out from your PARALYSIS!
You need to move, you need to grow and expand your limits.

John Powell wrote,  "A person can grow only as much as his horizons allows"

We have power over our lives. We sometimes place limits on ourselves by what we can or cannot do.
We ultimately have that power within us to make us. God has given us all that we need for our lives and to live out our purpose. We simply need to remember that our faith in God is a must and that everything that we need, we are equipped with the necessary tools and ingredients. It only takes us to believe in ourselves. Who God calls, he equips, whom he equips, he qualifies.
My friends believe that you are everything you say you are but then I need you to truly believe that you are everything God says you are and more!

Many of us have a hard time believing this, but I am telling you, that you don't belong apart of the status quo. You don't belong being held down on your job by those that don't value and appreciate you.
I love this particular quote, I don't know who is the author but it simply says, "Go where you are appreciated not tolerated!"

Some of us are stuck and need to hear these words.
This is your clarion call to motivate you to move forward, to go higher or dig deeper...

It's time to Break-Out!

Break-Out of complacency
Break-Out of your shame
Break-Out from your defeat
Break-Out from your words of doubt
Break-Out from those limits that held you back for so long

No more excuses, no more self-imposed restrictions.
Therefore, take ownership of your life and break that glass ceiling, kick down those doors and jump out of the box...It's Time!

It's Your Time to Break-Out!

Unveiled To Be Transformed


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