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Don't Sabotage Your Destiny

Pain causes deeply rooted trauma. I wonder if many of us have taken the time to assess our lives and the painful experiences we have had over time.

I am not shy in speaking my truth about a lifetime of pain that utterly rendered me numb to moving forward in my life. I am typically speaking of heartbreaks, toxic relationships, unforgiveness and deeply rooted resentment that  have been buried and carried over my lifetime which left a distinctive residue and marked me significantly.

I would have thought that I had a sign on me that says, pain resides here. I just could not duck heart break, toxic reactions and strained relationships. It just seemed that I was attracted to pain.

The hardest thing I ever had to do is push past pain, push past betrayal, lies, manipulation,  rejection, fear of the unknown and a past that was riddled with so much shame and guilt. 

No-one talks about the shame and guilt from past experiences and voluntary bad decisions that cripples one with fear, self doubt and a feeling of wants to tell their truth and shame the devil because of a cruel judgmental world.

So we cover our pain and bury our truth...

Healing can only take place when we uncover our painful truths.

Yet, healing is an ongoing process for me, because I have certain triggers that  come up from time to time that I realize that I need to put in more work

I need quite a bit more work in my self healing regimen so as to be able to freely grow and advance as a healed rejuvenated soul.

One of the things that I have done constantly after every traumatic hurtful experience is build a memorial to my pain.  

What do I mean?

I constantly remind myself of my hurts or my past traumas when anything good comes to my life.

This preempts my possibilities of a lasting promises of a future.

I sabotage my destiny because I cannot release myself from the painful experiences of my past.

I hold on too tight to offenses. I relive the injustices and betrayal repeatedly which keeps me immobolized.

Some of us allow pain to live in our hearts and our very being too long that it damages our soul.

This is what I allowed to happen for so many years of my life until I was fully ready to let go.

Newsflash: You cannot move on or successfully forward with baggage. 

You cannot move on replaying painful moments of your past

You cannot move on without giving yourself a chance to embrace goodness that comes into your life.

You cannot move on without forgiving yourself and others.

You cannot move on without accepting who you are. 

When ever you are ready... I mean fully ready to release the baggage or weights from your past.

Your destiny awaits you...

Unveiled to be Transformed


(Photo Credit: Nathan Dunlap and Susan Wilkerson)


  1. Well said my friend. I couldn't have said it better. You have unveiled the bare truth that many thousands are trapped in. Especially our women.

    1. Thank you for your reply. I am still learning and growing! -Love and Light! 💕


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