
Seasons come and seasons go...

I sometimes pine a loss of a friendship and or loved one....the loss is not because of death but because the relationship ended. I find myself going through emotions after closing doors to relationships that went sour or south.

I love that we as humans can create friendships and bonds with one another. I absolutely  love meeting people and making new friends. I am the consummate friend. I am most likely that one  you can rely on and can depend on for whatever reason with no strings attached. My view about friendships is that one should be in it for the long haul.

However, all friendships do not last in fact, most friendships expire after it has run its course. If I am honest, I  hate the fact that I have to deal with a break up or ending a relationship. . I never intend to go into something blindly and willy nilly to just have it just end. But you are never aware of someone's true intention  in the beginning and we often ignore the obvious after a while when life is telling us that people just don't fit in our life anymore.

Sometimes friendships are only based upon  what one can do for the other person at the time and how one can get over on someone as long as they can. It is sad state today as the people needs are self-centric. Most people seek to boost  their status, have their needs met, find a buffer or sounding board and  find that person to stroke their ego to make them feel good and important, I call it  the "I need syndrome", I need you when I need the sort of arrangement of the 21st-century relationships as of late.

This is a hard pill to swallow because as I grow older, it gets harder to deal with the pain of losing. I value the friendships that I have had for long periods,  I am cautious with new relationships because they seem even more fleeting and superficial. I have learned over the years that most people want something from you and when they are through with you, they are through..

I also know that every relationship is not created equal, you may get that occasionally lemon or two...or three...but these lemons don't make really good lemonade. They just leave a sour taste in your mouth....go figure!!!

However just as seasons transition... one has to deal with the ever-changing seasons of have your winter, spring, summer, and fall. Yet all seasons have a purpose and they all signal something old being replaced by something new.

I hungrily await the new season because my old was just for a time. To be honest, I wasted so much time last season, pouring out of an almost depleted vessel. I loved just too hard and chose bad connections.

Now, I am looking at life  with fresh eyes and ahead with great expectation...out with old and in with the new!!!

The ending of a bad season can leave a bad taste in your mouth as well as cause one to be discouraged...but it can also catapult you into something new, exciting and wonderful...a season of great possibilities.

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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