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The Imperfect Me

Everyone has a secret or two to hide. No-one wants to see the full story of their lives paraded on 
screens for the world to see...raw and uncensored. Every scene that we would want to be deleted captured for the audience view.

The world has become ever more judgmental with the emergence of social media and the platforms which allow you to speak and say every and anything not considering the consequences or the results of your words and or actions.

It is even a popular place to become someone you are not. A place where you can pretend to be a perfect image of humanity. However, your image is a figment of imagination..No one is perfect.

Some of us have a  petrid, dirty past that we have managed to navigate and clean ourselves up so good that we don't look like what we have been through.  If it wasn't for the grace of God, we would have still been Lady Tramp, Gang Banger, Drug Runner , Murderer, Slanderer, Rapist and Cheater.

Some of us have managed to escape the world of our sins, we manage to break free from the chains of the past and have our fears, sins and shame buried so deep never to be seen by anyone...but we  all know the truth. If our truth will be uncovered, how devastated we would be to give the world our ugly truth.

However, it bothers me how  many of us speak about those who fall, find themselves in situations where they may have lost their way, strayed or succumbed to temptation. We get on our pedestals and toot our horns on how blessed we are and then look down on others who are in mess, some by their own choices but others by what was handed to them.

I think we who lives are perfect ought to be cautious on how we turn up our noses at others and point fingers at those who are less fortunate. We never know what will happen to our lives down the road.

The point of my babbling is this, life is not perfect, people are not perfect, we are not perfect but we should all be trying to be better each passing minute.

Consider the grace that God has given us and be thankful for it.


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