Loving to Lose

Many times we find ourselves in situations where we know better not to get involved. These unhealthy relationships or connections that we seemingly attract, in which we become caught up in the newness, the glamour, and the whirlwind of emotions and find ourselves hopelessly a prisoner of love.

These relationships or connections sole purpose is to sidetrack or destroy you. I often tell myself, look, listen and learn...and pay attention as life is always trying to teach us something.

I have learned over the years how we shape our realities and future by our choices and decisions.  We engage in conversations, meetings, contracts and relationships that are  all wrong for us.

What I have not understand in my years on this earth is why? Why, when we know that if we venture in uncharted territory,  with imminent signs of danger,  we still move forward. We become the cause of our own demise. Yet over and over, we blame others for our misfortunes but we fail to blame ourselves.

I often think about my past relationships, where I found myself staying too long or making the bad choices when it comes to love. I was definitely good at being bad, choosing to love all the wrong people. I opened my heart to those who never intended to stay with me for the long haul or love me back as I loved them. So many lessons learned and so many tests failed. I just did not learn from my mistakes.

However, there is something about the human heart how it desires and yearns love that at some point when you have fallen for that one, you stop using your brain. You lead and you depend solely on your emotions or become dependent on what this new adventure offers you.

Time passes quickly and your brain pushes its way pass your emotions and eventually you become introspective and finally realize what is thing that I am doing. You failed the test again!

You were offered every chance to protect your heart, but you dove heart all in.
 I call it loving to lose.

How much of us have lost to love?
How much of us have lost time, energy, space and our common senses to the desire to be loved.

We play reckless with our heart but if our heart was the only thing that would be affected it would be alright. However, it is a little bit more complicated than that. Our lives feel the brunt of  our emotions. We have to pick up the pieces when we fall in love too fast and too quickly, or where we leapt when we should have stayed put.

What am I saying in all of this?

Guard your heart with everything you got. Don't allow yourself to be pulled away by great intentions and drawn away by the sweeter side of life, For some reason life makes love look sweet and human beings used love as a bargaining chip, or moreover a game piece. I think of a game of chess where the aim is to always protect your King. Your heart is your King and for many of us, we leave our defences open that we lose.

We lose our hearts to those who do not deserve us.

We love to lose it seems and if anything I have learned over the years of my life is what I said before, guard your heart closely. Oh! and another thing... I would advise you to choose to win.

I know it is easier said than done but we have to be intentional in loving our own selves enough, that we won't choose the worst things for our lives. Where we will choose to make better decisions and choices for our lives.

Love is a choice, and you can choose to win with Love.

I am thinking that this year, it is gonna be my winning season...

I am loving to win, not lose...

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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