The Revelation: What Happens to Givers?

What happens when you finally realize the truth about yourself?

Yes, I know it has been awhile since I have blogged and last wrote my innermost thoughts down. Well, after much introspection, today, I picked up my pen and  began fresh...I am back from my hiatus.

I asked the question at the very beginning of this post that says what happens when you finally realize the truth about yourself?  I realize that most of our decisions as human beings are based on our choices whether good and bad and I realize that as humans, we are prone to making hasty and bad decisions…or is it just me?

Here's the thing, I  am known as a "Giver" and most of the time those who are givers find themselves more times than not, being empty and depleted. As a Giver, I am also a person full of passion, so this means that I am a double-edged tragedy.

For Givers, they usually get taken advantage off and for the passionate at heart, their passion oftentimes than most kills them.

So, I had a revelation, sitting on my couch reflecting briefly on my life.

I am tired of being taken…

Taken by everything and everyone around me.

As I sat, I heard a voice in my spirit, that is time for  me to give to me. No longer should I consider others above myself. No longer should I love others above and beyond myself. Absolutely under no circumstances should I stay somewhere or in a position because of others.

Truth is…I am drained!

I am drained by life and it is nobody's fault but my own.

One of my favorite bloggers and writers  James Altucher wrote two completely opposite books that I purchased and fell absolutely in love with.

One of the books is titled, "Choose Yourself,"  whilst the other is titled, "The Power of No!" I should have already realized that I need more than a Self-Help book which these clearly are not, but I need to make a decision about loving myself to the point where I free myself from the obligation of giving. Also, to tame my passion at the right moments and for the right people.

Everyone does not deserve your gift of life, talents and love. They don't deserve your best, while you suffer in the end…

Did I tell you that I am tired?

Yes, here's that word again…" tired"

Truth is, I just had enough!

I love this quote that says, "Only you can decide, when the time has come, because there is a fine line between giving up and knowing when you have had enough."

I am not a quitter but I have had enough…

I need more than meeting everyone's need, I need someone that is willing to fill my needs…
I Need Help!

What happens to Givers in the end?

They get taken…don't be taken, learn how to stop being a casualty to your choices.

For every cause, there is an effect…so stop being the cause that eventually makes ripple effects in your life. Stop being the crusader, trying to solve all the world's problem…

Choose Yourself!
Solve your own crises and problems, solve You!
Finally, learn how to say "No", emphatically and unapologetically…NO!

Unveiled to Be Transformed


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