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Finish Strong!

The Countdown is on to the end of this year. So many of us might be at the point of fatigue as we have endured insurmountable challenges and unexpected events that at some point now, it is beginning to take a toll on our lives.

I don't know about you but the last few days of any year seem to be the most difficult to get through.

What I've encountered in the last few days, had me considering what is going on in my life.
I am expecting Greater to happen but even in my moments of stepping into greater, I am met with challenges, fears, and the sense of loneliness and defeat.

Maybe it is just holiday nostalgia but there is a notion that we often become weakened right at the end and this weakness acts as a distraction to hinder our greater beginning.

You have to know life is never what it seems, nothing is ever made easy for us to accomplish. There is always some sort of hurdle that we have to overcome and it should not come as surprise but it often does.

Being a person of faith, you are confident that your faith is enough to sustain you but not all the times you are strong enough to deal with life's unexpected moments. However, it is in these moments you got to reach up, reach out, reach way down deep inside of you and find the strength to deal with life challenges.

I've had a bittersweet year, towards the end it got a little more sweeter, then a few days ago, I just found myself dealing with fear of uncertainties about my life, my decisions and panic set in. What if this happens? How do I deal with this situation? What if I don't make it?

Yes, the Hows and What ifs crept in and I felt burdened, even-though I know that God is orchestrating my life. He is taking me higher and causing me to venture out in deeper waters, he is doing all of that to let me know that I could trust and rely on him.

Trusting is never easy but it beats living in doubt and fear,  and that type of living is a recipe for destruction.

Many of us may have had great accomplishments during this year and that is good. It may have been the best 12 months for you. However for others, you are fighting just to get over into 2015.
I just want to let you know keep fighting, don't give up on your new day. Every chance we get to wake up, tells us we've made it on the other side of darkness for a purpose.

Don't allow the mess you had to deal with this year, keep you wallowing in it. Don't allow your fears and doubts to hold you back from chasing your dreams. Don't give up on your new day, that is right on the other side of darkness. Don't allow your pain to hold you as a prisoner. Don't let the chains of defeat keep you down.

There is still enough in you that can cause you to rise up and stand strong for your new year. A year with a new slate of possibilities. Anything can happen!

Focus on seeing your new, from an optimistic view, where you would accentuate the positive and be determined that you will end strong to start strong

Richard M. Nixon, said it this way, "Defeat doesn't finish a man, quit does. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's finished when he quits."

Don't you dare quit...

Its in you to end this year stronger than you've ever been.
Keep Fighting and Pushing Ahead...
Finish Strong!

Unveiled To Be Transformed


  1. Thank you for sharing this. Bless you! Praise the Lord! I wish you a Happy Christmas Holiday Season. I lift you up to the throne of Christ. We were not able to worship him while he laid in a manger, but may we in our hearts worship him now as He sits upon the throne. I pray that Christ be central in your heart this Christmas. It is my heartfelt prayer that this Christmas be especially blessed for you and all that you love. May it be special, memorable and may your hearts rejoice.


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