
Showing posts from January, 2014

Passing the Baton (The Mantles are Falling)

Someone's legacy in life speaks to not just what they have accomplished but who they truly are. Passing the Baton Someone said that it does not matter the year you were born neither the year you died, but what really matter is the dash between. What did you do with the time the Lord afforded you? What would your dash say about you? In recent months and weeks, I have been hearing of the passing of some great people in their own right. People like Paul Crouch, Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker and just to name a few. At home, we have heard of the passing of great people like King Eric Gibson, Gus Cooper who all tremendously impacted our nation by their great contributions. But then I hear of great people like Pastor Mark Bethel, Dr. Jennifer Deveaux, Kevan Mckenzie, and more recently Min.Joy Simmons and for me, I ponder about their great work in life and ministry and how much of themselves they have poured out to mentor and build others. Could I be honest with my writings, I alwa...


One of our youth this past Sunday at church shared a stunning poem on the state of the church and the effect of religion. He challenged us to Wake Up!  He said, we are called to be more than religion, more than tradition, more than Sunday goers and pew warmers, we are called to be Salt, Light and take authority...but oh, it seems how much we have lost our savor, flavor and boldness to be the church, the Ecclesia...the Called Out! I see the church in many instances, folding up, stepping back, being silent on so many things in our country, when we are called to take charge and take the lead. Where are our voices that will extend beyond the four walls to the streets and homes of those who need to hear it the most? The broken homes, the abused homes, the homes of poverty and the homes of the sick? Yes, we need to wake up and get to moving and doing something in this season, because we are in a War! If you don't know that we are in a fight for the soul of country, you are deeply i...

Preparing for a Greater Level (The Threshing Floor)

The Threshing Floor-The Place of Preparation   Some time last year, I had an urge within me to push past my usual form of worship. It almost seemed, I had reached a plateau in my spiritual walk and in my worship that I was stuck in limbo. I could not go backwards and I could not advance. There was one thing I knew for sure, I wanted more! After our church's Fall Revival in 2013, I was challenged in my spirit to go higher and go after the "new thing" God released in the House. The word declared, was for us to prepare for a greater level in Worship and ministry and I held onto that word in my heart. It was a constant prayer of mine, to go to another level in my ministry as a Worship Leader, and I was desperate for more... So, near the remaining months of 2013, God birthed something in my spirit, I heard the words Threshing Floor, and I immediately began to research what it was and why it was significant. What did the Threshing Floor have to do with me and moreo...

Live Through It...

I heard this song played on the radio while on my  to church today and it blessed me tremendously, Sometimes, we don't need mere words to minister to us but maybe a song... I just want to encourage you my readers to Live Through It, Grow Through It, Get Through It, Pray through it...Never Give Up and Never Lose Hope! Be Blessed! Unveiled to be Transformed Keisha

The Pain, The Process, The Glory...

THERE SHALL BE GLORY AFTER THIS~! Oh, How it Hurts...this pain that touches the very core of my being. Oh, how it makes me want to lash out in a rage and  retaliate with a vengeance. But, then I sit still a moment and really ask the question...WHY? Why did I have to experience that episode in my life? I am sure many people have had bad episodes played out over their life span, one after the other. How many people suffered at the hand of an attacker, a rapist, a molester, an abuser, the list goes on and on and have lived to tell their stories. Yes, the pain was hard to bear, it was almost unbelievable to think, how can I make it through this horrible experience and vicious ordeal, but each day rise to face the morning. It tells me that there is something that is present that gives us the strength to lift up our heads and face another day. I cannot even describe to you my extent of pain and I am sure you cannot even describe to me, your extent of pain, because our pain was i...