Passing the Baton (The Mantles are Falling)
Someone's legacy in life speaks to not just what they have accomplished but who they truly are. Passing the Baton Someone said that it does not matter the year you were born neither the year you died, but what really matter is the dash between. What did you do with the time the Lord afforded you? What would your dash say about you? In recent months and weeks, I have been hearing of the passing of some great people in their own right. People like Paul Crouch, Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker and just to name a few. At home, we have heard of the passing of great people like King Eric Gibson, Gus Cooper who all tremendously impacted our nation by their great contributions. But then I hear of great people like Pastor Mark Bethel, Dr. Jennifer Deveaux, Kevan Mckenzie, and more recently Min.Joy Simmons and for me, I ponder about their great work in life and ministry and how much of themselves they have poured out to mentor and build others. Could I be honest with my writings, I alwa...