I give up! Yes, I am waving my white flag in surrender. Here is the most significant revelation that God made me comprehend during this pandemic and that it is a need to give up. I know most of us would never say never or surrender...but I felt so much a tugging in my spirit to finally give up and yield. This year, for many people, we had to learn to be still and take a time-out. A time-out that allowed us to connect to our Creator. Well, I did just that. What I realized in these months of 2020 is that God controls my destiny. Not that I was not aware of this before, but before 2020 I was so hell-bent on going after what I wanted, rather than what He wanted for me. I was absorbed in chasing so many things and working on so many projects. All along trying to get the world to notice me. I wanted them to pay attention to who I am and the gifts I have and that I was someone to reckon with. I got caught up with social media, promoting myself to others and pushing my agenda ...