
Showing posts from February, 2016

What's Next?

Sometimes, we just need to  Let Go & Let God Have you ever had those moments that you find yourself merely wondering of where you should go from here? Recently, my mind has been wandering, rather frequently on what is next for me? Truth is…I have some ideas of what I want for my life but I have had some setbacks recently and I find myself thinking about how do I get from this state to the next. I have written goals, worked towards some of them and failed miserably at others. So, I begin to wonder, if my life is at a stage of cyclical repeats.  It is as I have drawn into a vortex that is puling me deeper into the status quo of oblivion…which is accepting what, where and who you are, do as everyone else does and simply adjust and adapt to life disappointments by the old adage "grin and bare it." For many of us, we would accept the status quo, we won't venture out into the unknown, we won't kick against the pricks and we most certainly would not venture out of ...

Willest and Illest & Worship

Hey Readers, God Is looking for those who will not be afraid to seek Him. I had this piece to write some time back, after going to a concert at local restaurant here in the Bahamas. It was a Friday night and I wanted to go out, unfortunately being single with limited friends, I did not have a choice of company, so I ventured out solo. I happened to get a seat at the Bar to get a quick bite to eat, however, to my surprise they were preparing for a concert. The band appearing was Willest and Illest, a local Reggae Band and they same to be quite popular as the restaurant began to get filled quickly. This was the first time, I would have heard of them as well as see them perform. As I ordered a bite to eat, I made up my mind to take in the show since I was already there. Let me tell you, the place was packed to capacity, I guess the Bahamas knew something I did not know… in that this band was amazing, and was such a refreshing talent. The show was worth being utterly squeezed in at...