Break-Out (Take the Limits Off!)
IT'S TIME TO BREAKOUT! I stayed too long in that place that I succumbed to paralysis and my own fears I became so caught up in the mundane of being good at that one thing and doing the same thing that was easy for me. However, that one thing is the very thing that is killing me softly. You heard the saying, "Your gifts should make room for you," they do, but only if they are not hindered by barriers and the proverbial box that keeps your ideas, dreams and hopes trapped. I have been in a place in my life, professional and otherwise where I felt trapped. Actually, for sometime now, I feel like I am just going through the motion but not making any meaningful progress. I want to see growth, because growth is a part of life I want to spread my wings and fly and be more creative I want to jump out of the box, break through the barriers that I have set and away from what I have allowed others to hold me as a prisoner. I have read many stories and testimonies where ...