
Showing posts from 2017


You just know that you're being shifted, when you're most uncomfortable, less bothered by the status quo and in a period of quietude, where you are just observing it all and you refuse to speak about anything of significance or noteworthy. As you have learned the wisdom of being still and keeping your business to yourself.  All this means is that you are in a state of transition and something wonderful is occurring in your life... This is are getting ready to expand, where your daily contractions are pretty close together and are preparing you for your season of birthing. Now one thing  I have realized, is that out of these moments of uncertainty and ebbs and flows, something dynamic is taking place. You are about to be shifted. I truly believe that after you have fought enough, failed enough, sacrificed enough, learned enough, and have been stretched enough one thing is for certain... you have to move in another direction. Why? The status quo is simply ...

The Image of Success

I was thinking the other day, how the world is so inudated with success stories, social media posts from businesses, entrepreneurs, motivational speakers, preachers and the average Joe. All of these people showcasing and highlighting the successes in their lives. THE IMAGE OF SUCCESS It lets me know that many people are working and living purposeful lives... or so it seems. As many share stories that warrant the attention and the likes of others, saying, look at me, this is what I am doing. I must be successful as I just spoke to a room of 1000 people the other day and I have over 5000 friends and over 100,000 views. Today, more than ever, the world is out doing a whole lot of phenomenal things. It amazes me the good that I see paraded by many persons especially on social media. The many pages of experts and authorities on life, health, love, wealth and business is phenomenal. I may venture to say that over the last decade social media has built and ...