
Showing posts from January, 2015

From Glory to Glory: UnPlugged: Disconnect to Reconnect

From Glory to Glory: UnPlugged: Disconnect to Reconnect : Happy New Year! GET UNPLUGGED! I am so excited about what this new year is going to bring. Perhaps, I cannot contain my emotions within...

UnPlugged: Disconnect to Reconnect

Happy New Year! GET UNPLUGGED! I am so excited about what this new year is going to bring. Perhaps, I cannot contain my emotions within me. I bet you know how it feels to open up a great gift or receive something new, like a new pair of shoes. The thrill of the gift or that new thing sends pleasant thrills throughout your body and you burst with pride for your "new" thing. Out with the old, in with new... What New Years plans have you drafted? Have you sat still long enough to craft your year out, set goals or get working on those pesky New Years Resolutions that you hardly ever keep? Have you decided about what opportunities you are going to pursue? Did you sit long enough to think all about it? Nowadays, the hardest thing to do is to sit still and not be immersed or mesmerized by some gadget or the other. It almost seems that some device needs  your attention. The many apps on your tablets, smartphones or computers all ring in chorus calling your name, vying for ...