While I am yet Living!
LIVE YOUR LIFE! Many people say that you should wait for the next best thing... This thing could be a job, a mate, a grand experience but the objective is to wait! What do you do while you are waiting? While you wait, do you make an effort to discover or rediscover who you are? Do you just wait for the right person to catch your daze or the right company to snatch you up for your perfect dream job? I am a little afraid of the word Wait! Maybe it is because I never could keep still, I always opt to keep on moving. Do I stand still and Wait? Do I go on and not pay attention to my desires and feelings? Do I be like the woman that has been forever sitting on the park bench waiting for her perfect man until she turns to crusty bones. Hmmmm...I imagine her saying, I am just gonna stay right here and wait, until one day, he will come and rescue me and that day never comes. May, I suggest to those who opt to wait, waiting does not mean that you stay around, stand around, make no...