What is that thing in your Hand? (Got Work...Do It!)

Use the gifts you have inside of You! More recently in social media spaces there is an increasing number of dialogue on gifts and an array of displays of many people, showcasing their talent, advertising their businesses and sharing their hobbies. It is quite inspirational to see how even a simple child can start a humanity project that is near and dear to their heart and or a youth less than ten years old ups and start his own bow-tie company.That sort of thing is quite inspirational to know that even a child can lead us and show us that we must be about something, doing something, living, sharing and using our gifts to make some sort of contribution and difference in the world. I thought about why we exist in the earth. I thought about God giving each one of us unique talents and gifts that we can unselfishly share and give back to others. What we have in us is not just for us, it is to serve those who are around us and humanity at large. Alexander Graham Bell, cont...